UNITY of Beings on eARTh
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- UNITY of Beings on eARTh
The Only way to Save eARTh is for ALL GOOD PEOPLE to UNITE TOGETHER with a Shared intention of Restoring the Health and Perfection of Our World for All Future Generations.

There are currently far too many people engaged in activities that are designed to cause division amongst groups of people on eARTh. In the Theatre of Our World and Corruption of Media Information and Truth, the people in control of the Education and Entertainment have the ability to propagandize the masses and lead them in any direction they choose. This is a fact of Our Modern World that must be fixed.
The Artworks on this page are designed to Unite Humanity under a divine cause and purpose. This is not to be confused with the “New World Order” concept of World governments to control the masses via strategic and often sinister actions. These visions call on WE THE PEOPLE, to Unite against those who seek to control others, harm others, or toxify our beautiful world. The VAST majority of Humans on eARTh want the same things : Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness via a preservation of ALL Our God/Creator given Freedoms obtained at our conception.
WAYS ‘The Powers that Should Never be” Try to DIVIDE US BY :
- Race, Nationality and Difference in Skin Color
- Levels of Financial Income and ‘Classes’
- Political views and encouraging people to choose sides
- Gender, which should never have division
- Granting special privileges or making certain people ‘Above the Law’
- Spreading Lies and Manipulative “Facts” to instigate frustrations between groups
- Competitive Jobs and Lifestyles that turn friends to enemies and spark jealousy
- Religion, Spirituality and Divine Beliefs
- “Science” and Control over the “Truth”
- Health Choices and Vaccination Status
- Preferences of Arts, Style and Appearance
- Levels of Education
- Affordability of Housing
- Sporting Events and Competitive entertainment rivalries
- Access to Food, and manipulation of Scarcity of Resources

There is a Drastic difference between the Race relations as they are portrayed on Television and in the Media, when compared to Actual Reality. Often times the "News" will highlight a story out of context, while ignoring issues that express a different side of the propaganda and weaken the negative impact they are attempting to achieve. This is a sinister practice that is completely unnecessary and does not reflect the high percentage of people of All Races who get along beautifully as friends. If all media immediately decided to portray images and positive feel-good stories of Unity... the World would change rapidly for the better. It is that simple.
We the People should NOT be fighting one another... We should set our sights on ways of UNITING one another in order to work together to get to the real cause and roots of the problems that truly need focus, attention and resolve.