30 inches of Ink
Save eARTh
a 501c3 Organization dedicated to Saving eARTh with heART and ART
Our Mission is to Save eARTh with heART and ART.
We recognize the importance and magnitude of this task, and intend to accomplish it collectively through the Creation, Education, and distribution of Art designed for this divine purpose.

SAVE the Sanctuaries
This Artwork is designed to be a fundraising Art for Animal Sanctuaries around the world. Thankfully for many Animals, Sanctuaries exist, and the amount of human work that goes into running one is immense. They are usually run by local volunteers and hard working Animal lovers of all ages.
We want to offer these Artworks to Sanctuaries around the world, so that they may offer them to their visitors in exchange for donations of any kind or value. The Artwork then inspires all those who see it to truly appreciate and help out there own local Sanctuaries. The value that this can bring to everyone, including the Animals, is immeasurable.
SHOP and SAVE... eARTh
To Donate to Save eARTh...
If you or someone you know have any POSITIVE eARTh and Animal inspired Artworks that you feel could be of value to Save eARTh…

ART Campaigns

SAVE eARTh The BOOK of Change
The Book of Change is a comprehensive prototype for a well devised method of Art, ideas, education, and creativity designed to Save eARTh. It is a recipe for worldwide positive change in order to restore the mental, physical and spiritual health of the humans, animals, and the eARTh itself.
It is also the ultimate Save eARTh reference for those who are considering investing in the future of the Save eARTh 501c3 public charity. While we pride ourselves on being extremely resourceful and creative, we still need monetary support in order to enact the bigger ideas that can lead to immediate positive change on an ever-growing scale. Once the wheels are set in motion, the Save eARTh message and Art will spread throughout the world and all beings will benefit.
These are some of the numerous goals of Save eARTh that we plan to accomplish as we grow..
– Establish a Store which Features Artwork from All over the World, where Every purchase helps a Unique Cause or Charity.
– Develop the Ability to store and distribute large amounts of Donated Art Supplies, so that they may be given freely to Artists or Schools in Need of Art supplies, tools and materials.
– Raise Awareness Levels of Every Cause that we Campaign to SAVE with ART.
– Help Artists and Creators find the right intention to Create and help them find a Noble path to dedicate their lives towards for the benefit of All beings.
– Raise Funding for Causes and like-minded Charities that are vetted and doing the right things with all proceeds given to them. We will not partner with ‘Corrupt’ Charities.
– Serve as a source for the Latest Positive and Negative news regarding the worldwide Mission to Save eARTh. Updated stories, and links to news articles of relevance and importance.
– Utilize Billboards, Flyers, Signs, and whatever legal means necessary to spread Awareness for immediate Causes as they arise.
– Create a YouTube Channel and other social media sites to keep followers involved and updated on Save eARTh. Interviews with important people, Educational Videos, Art Experiments and much more.
– Spread the Save eARTh message and mentality everywhere we go, so that it becomes a household name.
– Join forces with any and all like-minded Humans who share the same goals and intentions to grow this Public Charity which we ALL share.
– Have SAVE eARTh stores and centers all over the Country and World where the public can go to Create, Learn, Participate, Experiment, Obtain Art Supplies, Purchase Unique Goods for a variety of causes, and so much more.
– Obtain an RV or CAMPER and travel around the country spreading the Save eARTh message, giving out Free Artwork, meeting people, taking pictures, writing books, creating Art, fundraising, Research, and more.
– Link Every Artwork to A Unique Charity and Cause where the money will directly aid in the Support of the Artist, the Save eARTh Charity, and the Charity related to the Artwork.
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