Stop the Spraying!
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- Stop the Spraying!
One of the Biggest Problem we face is one of the Least talked about issues. The vast array of Toxic Sprays that are disseminated into our atmosphere at an alarming daily rate and dose, must be brought to the attention of everyone! Many people deny what couldn't be more obvious, and some groups are experimenting on ALL of us, without our consent and knowledge. We must out the Truth and Fix this Problem!

The Difference between these clouds is Clear. Many people try to call these ‘contrails’ and explain how they are Natural… but they are not. They follow patterns that coincide exactly with “Geo-Engineering patents and tactics” described by many on the inside, and hidden to the public. It is a big industry, just as big as keeping it out of the spotlight. If everyone realized the chemical composition of the skies above them, they would demand Justice. This is the goal of this campaign. Justice and Disclosure of Truth. If what they are doing is Healthy, then they should be able to prove it. If it is Toxic to Our World, We the People should be able to end it immediately and hold those who are Guilty of Crimes against Humanity, responsible for their actions.

This is certainly a case of immense propaganda. It has to remain a secret in order for it to remain profitable for those behind these actions. But it’s not just chemtrails coming from planes above. These toxic sprays are everywhere, in every neighborhood, normalized as a means to get rid of weeds, or ‘pests/bugs!’ But at what cost does All levels of life suffer as a result???
Types of Dangerous Sprays!
Roundup, Weedkillers& Fungicides
Sunscreen Sprays and Spray Tans
Chemical Mosquito repellents
Numerous Household ‘Scents’
Numerous Medical ‘Sanitization’ Sprays

When you Realize the magnitude of the problem, you sense the chemicals everywhere!
If you can Smell it and breathe it in.. It has entered your bodily system..
If it rubbed on your skin.. it will get into your body
Do we even know what Natural and Pure Air and Water feels like anymore??
Far too many products we are told are safe… are NOT Safe at ALL!
Here are some Essential Links to Help You Further Understand this Problem facing us All – An Incredible Resource on Geo Engineering – One of the many companies Modifying the Weather
As with ALL issues we face, there are two sides. One side profits, and the other side suffers the health consequences and is rewarded nothing. On one end, the Media and people in power deny this spraying and claim it to be natural. Yet patents have existed for weather modification for decades, and much information exists on dispersing particles into the atmosphere to combat Sunlight, Carbon Dioxide and other supposed ‘threats.’
The TRUTH is ALL that matters. It seems that Our eARTh’s Natural Weather system is no longer working the way it was designed. Something has to be done for the Health of this world and All life upon it.. but what exactly must be done??
The First Step is Raising Awareness, Questioning the Media, and getting beyond the deception towards finding full 100% evidence as to whether what is happening in our skies is Good or Bad. This should be done with ALL chemical sprays by an unbiased Assessor. If they are found to be toxic to humans, this must end immediately. We should only be creating and utilizing products that do little to no harm. Sadly, the Health of the masses suffers, in the quest for more and more Profit$.