Our Tree of Life : From Seed to Mother
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- Our Tree of Life : From Seed to Mother
We are all unique Beings of Our World's Tree of Life. This Educational Artwork displays the intricately complex web of life from a Seed of Light to the Female Mother Human, Creator of Life. We believe that Mother's should be Honored and the Process of Human Reproduction is Sacred and should remain Natural, Pure and Perfect.

This Artwork is featured on Save eARTh latest Art Flyer which serves as a promotional tool for Save eARTh and Our intentions as a 501c3 public charity. We offer these 5x7in. Artworks for Free to inspire and spread the word about Save eARTh, our intentions, and our goals.

When we find the Right Charity and Cause to link up with for this Art Campaign, we will share the information here. If you have any suggestions for organizations and charities whose message syncs up with Our Tree of Life, email us at : SaveeARThwithHeART@gmail.com
Here are some Graphs from a variety of sources showing worldwide drops in Fertility Rates. Keep in mind that it is very easy to manipulate data, BUT there are also many well documented areas of the world where this seems to be happening.
What are some of the factors causing this worldwide drop in Human populations?
Environmental Factors
- Chemicals in the Food Supply
- Genetically Modified Crops and Organisms
- WeedKillers, Fungicides, ROUNDUP, all in water and food
- Plastics of all sizes, everywhere and in our bodies and water
- Extreme presence of Electromagnetic Radiations in the air due to internet and tech expansions
- Possible radiations from a variety of pollutive sources effecting Air, Water, and all life
- The Geo-Engineering planes that disperse metals and other experimental chemicals into our air
- Unbearable amounts of toxic chemicals have entered our water supply and food supply, and all life is being sustained from water that was once pure, but is now... sick
Social Factors
- Propaganda Campaigns against MotherHood
- The De-Glorification of the Female Nature and form in Entertainment and Popular Culture
- Social Media manipulation to spread ideas that negatively refer to Family and Motherhood?
- 'Health Emergencies' minimizing social interaction and healthy social behaviors?
- People waiting too long to have children after prioritizing careers over potential family?
- People are not engaging in Marriage as frequently due to the illusory ease and expanded use of dating sites online?
- Skin Products for Humans from Shampoo & makeup to Sunscreen all contain chemicals known to negatively affect reproductive systems and worse
Other Possibilities
- A low point in a Fertility cycle of Humanity?
- People on too many experimental medications with unknown fertility affecting side effects?
- Planetary Cycles and Divine influences we cannot presently fathom?
- Sinister people in control are enacting de-population agendas in a variety of ways
- Civilization has just changed too much, too fast, and the problem is already too far out of control?
- Spiritual Battles of Good and Evil taking place where the Evil aim to reduce life on eARTh drastically