The Goal of this Marketplace is to offer a Wide Variety of Artworks and Unique Save eARTh related products that are Great Quality, Inspiring, and Benefit Everyone.
The profits get split 3 ways in a variety of %’s unique to the Art & Product as determined by the Artist
The Artist – Creates the Artwork and offers/donates it to Save eARTh in whatever way they wish.. print, file, free use, clothing, painting, music, and Anything that reflects the Save eARTh Mission and intention. The Artist then chooses what % of the profits they require ranging from 0 to 50%.
The remaining 50 to 100% will be divided equally between Save eARTh 501c3 and The Charity or Specific Cause that is connected to the Purpose and Intention of the Artwork or Product.
This ensures that each Purchase can have an ever-growing impact on the World around us. We aim to connect with Charities all over the World and re-envision the way Artists offer Artwork to patrons of eARTh who care to do GOOD and Learn about ways to Save eARTh together.
While we wish to help as many other established and specialized charities as possible, Save eARTh aims to use its share of the Profits to build a structure and network that will allow for specific campaigns and Causes to be dealt with the Save eARTh way, as they occur in real time, in reality in Our World.
The Potential for GOOD is infinite. Your Support is Greatly Appreciated. Thanks and Bless You ALL! Enjoy these Beautiful Artworks from Our Artists.